April 19, 1772
Severe wind. Snow on the ground. Swallows abound.
Severe wind. Snow on the ground. Swallows abound.
Regulus non cristatus a pretty paintive note. Chilly air. Ice. Martins appear.
The ground is in a sad wet condition; & the farmers much behind on their spring sowing. No seeds sown yet in my garden. An high rumbling wind.
Luscinia! Nightingale sings sweetly. Grass grows. Wheat looks well.
Redstart appears and whistles. Swallow. Garden too wet for sowing.
The cuckow is heard in the forest of Bere. Grass grows apace. The great black & white Gull, larus maximus ex albo & nigro seu caeruleo nigricante varius Raii, was shot lately near Chawton: Larus marinus Linn: The head & part of the neck of this bird is dotted with black small spots.
Termes pulsatorium raps. Death-watch vulg.