March 30, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 30th, 1773

Hard frost, ice, cloudless, sharp wind.  No larks in the fields, & few birds to be heard or seen; probably this harsh dry air renders their food scarce, & sends them to the lower moister grounds.

March 29, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 29th, 1773

Turned out the cucumbers into their hills.  Beds still too hot.  The dry weather has lasted just a month.  Roads all dryed up.

March 28, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 28th, 1773

Sharp air.  Three swallows were seen I hear this day over the paper-mill pond at Bramshot.

March 26, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 26th, 1773

Grass begins to grow.  A large flock of titlarks on the common, feeding & flitting on, probably going down to the forest to the moory moist places.

March 23, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 23rd, 1773

Coluber natrix.  Summer weather with a brisk wind.  Cock & hen wheatear.

March 22, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 22nd, 1773

Gossamer floats about.

March 20, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 20th, 1773

Lacerta.  Sky thickens with flisky clouds.

March 18, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 18th, 1773

Many sorts of insects begin to come out.  Water-insects begin to move.  Milvus aeruginosus?  Hot in the sun.

March 15, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 15th, 1773

Mild & grey, sun.  Ants.  Chrysomela Gottingensis.  This insect is very common with us.

March 14, 1773

Posted by sydney on Mar 14th, 1773

Wh: frost, thick ice, cloudless sky.  Skylarks rise & sing a little.

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March 1773