September 15, 1774
Ring-ouzels appear on their autumnal migration. Were seen first last year on the 30th: the year before on the 11th.
Ring-ouzels appear on their autumnal migration. Were seen first last year on the 30th: the year before on the 11th.
Ring-ouzels feed on our haws, & yew-berries in the autumn, & ivy-berries in the spring.
Great hail at Winton. Wasps abound in woody, wild districts far from neighbourhoods: how are they supported there without orchards, or butcher’s shambles, or grocer’s shops? * Wasps nesting far from neighbourhoods feed on flowers, & catch flies & caterpillars to carry to their young. Wasps make their nests with the raspings of sound timber, hornets with what they gnaw from decayed. These particles of wood are neaded up with a mixture of saliva from their bodies, & moulded into combs.
Martins do not seem to engage much this year in second broods. Are they discouraged by the cold, wet, season?
Oats housed all day. Swifts retire usually between the 10th & the 20th of Aug: flycatchers, stoparolae, which are the latest summer birds of passage, not appearing ’til the 20 of May, withdraw about the 6th of September.
Hops brown & small, & not esteemed very good. Wheat out still.
Some graps begin to turn colour. Peaches & Nect. much damaged by the wet. Blackcaps still.
Most people in Selborne begin picking their hops. Wheat housed all day.