October 30, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 30th, 1777

Gluts of rain, much thunder.  The trees & hedges are much broken, & the thatch is torn.  Much damage done to the shipping: chimneys, & some houses blown down in London.

October 25, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 25th, 1777

Hogs are put-up in their fatting pens.  The hanging woods are beautifully tinged.

October 14, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 14th, 1777

Vast shower.

October 13, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 13th, 1777

Red-wings appear.

October 11, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 11th, 1777

Found the Sphinx atropos, or death’s-head moth, a noble insect, of vast size: it lays it’s eggs on the Jasmine.  When handled, it makes a little, stridulous noise.  A squirrel in my hedges.  Insects retreat into the roof of my new building.

October 10, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 10th, 1777

Vast fog, sweet day.  Gossamer abounds.

October 8, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 8th, 1777

Fine autumnal weather.  Mr Richardon’s nectarines & peaches still in perfection.

October 3, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 3rd, 1777

What becomes of those massy clouds that often incumber the atmosphere in the day, & yet disappear in the evening.  Do they melt down into dew?  * Some of the store wethers on this down now prove fat, & weigh 15 pounds a quarter.  This incident never befals but in long dry seasons; & then the mutton has a delicate flavour.

October 1, 1777

Posted by sydney on Oct 1st, 1777

Bright stars.  This day, Mr Richardson of Bramshot shot a wood-cock: it was large & plump & a female: it lay in a moorish piece of ground.  This bird was sent to London, where as the porter carryed it along the streets he was offered a guinea for it.

October 1777