December 23, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 23rd, 1791

Mr. Churton came from Oxford.

December 21, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 21st, 1791

Dark & cold, frost.

December 20, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 20th, 1791

Saw lately a white, & a yellow wagtail about the well-head rivulet.  No farther north than Rutland wagtails, withdraw, & are never seen in the winter.

December 17, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 17th, 1791

Hard frost, very white, boys slide.  Snipes come up from the forest along the meads by the sides of the stream.  Hardly here & there a woodcock to be seen.

December 16, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 16th, 1791

Swept-up the leaves in the walks.

December 8, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 8th, 1791

Timothy las laid himself up under the hedge against Benham’s yard in a very comfortable, snug manner: a thick tuft of grass shelters his back, & he will have the warmth of the winter sun.

December 7, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 7th, 1791

Ground very wet.  Farmer Tull plants Butts-close with hops.

December 5, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 5th, 1791

Cut down & covered the artichokes: covered the rhubarb plants; & the lettuces under the fruit-wall, & the spinage very lightly with straw.

December 3, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 3rd, 1791

Snow covers the ground, snow shoe deep.

December 1, 1791

Posted by sydney on Dec 1st, 1791

Mr & Mrs Ed. White left us.  The Hermitage, new capped with a coat of thatch, & embellished with a large cross, makes a very picturesq object on the hanger, & takes the eye agreeably.

December 1791