June 5, 1792

Posted by sydney on Jun 5th, 1792

One Fly-catcher builds in the Virginia Creeper, over the garden-door: & one in the vine over the parlor-window. Between Newton & us we heard three Fern-owls chattering on the hill; one at the side of the High-wood, one at the top of the Bostal, & one near the Hermitage. That at the top of the Bostal is heard distinctly in my orchard. Fern-owls haunt year by year nearly the same spots.

May 28, 1784

Posted by sydney on May 28th, 1784

Timothy the tortoise has been missing for more than a week. He got out of the garden at the wicket, we suppose; & may be in the fields among the grass.  Timothy found in the little bean-field short of the pound-field.  The nightingale, fern-owl, cuckow, & grass-hopper lark may be heard at the same time in my outlet.  Gryllo-talpa curs in the moist meadows.

May 30, 1778

Posted by sydney on May 30th, 1778

Barn-owls are out in the day, taking their prey in the sunshine about noon.

May 31, 1773

Posted by sydney on May 31st, 1773

Ashes & walnut trees naked yet.  Fern-owl chatters.  Thunder.

June 3, 1769

Posted by sydney on Jun 3rd, 1769

Saw the planet Venus enter the disk of the sun.  Just as the sun was setting the spot was very visible to the naked eye.  Nightingale sings; wood-owl hoots;  fern-own chatters.

February 2025