February 28, 1768
Wet continues still: has lasted three weeks this day. Pinched off the tops of the cucumber plants, which have several joins.
Wet continues still: has lasted three weeks this day. Pinched off the tops of the cucumber plants, which have several joins.
The missel-thrush, turdus viscivorus major (called in Hants & Sussex the stormcock) sings.
Cucumber plants thrive, and show their claspers.
Great rain. Prodigious floods in Yorkshire, which have swept away all the bridges.
Cucumber plants show two rough leaves. Forward turneps rot. Evergreens appear more damaged than at first was imagined, especially those in sunny aspects. Bees gather on ye winter aconite. Arbutus but little damaged by the frost. Ilex much hurt. Hollies, pinched by the frost, cast their leaves. Laurustinus killed to the ground.
Jack-daw, monedula, chatters on churches. Went to London.