December 31, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 31st, 1768

A wet season began about the 9th of June, which lasted thro’ haymaking, harvest, & seed-time, & did infinite mischief to the country.  It appears from my Brother Barker’s instrument, with which he measures the quantity of rain, that more water fell in the county of Rutland in the year 1768 from Jan. the 1 to Dec 31 than in any other Calendar year for 30 years past; viz. 30 1/2 inches.  A mean year’s rain in Rutland is about 20 3/4 inches.

December 27, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 27th, 1768

Weather more like April than ye end of December.  Hedge-sparrow sings.

December 25, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 25th, 1768

Wheat comes up well.  Lavants seem to abate.

December 24, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 24th, 1768

Gnats appear much, & some flies.  A dry, mild season.

December 22, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 22nd, 1768

French-beans are planted in the hot-house at Hartley.  Pines are still  cutting.

December 21, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 21st, 1768

Rooks feed earnestly in ye stubbles.  Red-breast sings.

December 20, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 20th, 1768

Rain & wind all night.  Toad appears crawling.

December 19, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 19th, 1768

Wren sings briskly.  Smoke beats down.

December 15, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 15th, 1768

Still, but very sharp air.  Immundi miminere sues jactare maniplos.  The thermometer which was at 27 in the dining room, rose to 44 1/2 in the wine vaults.

December 14, 1768

Posted by sydney on Dec 14th, 1768

Milk freezes within.  Some snow all day.

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December 1768