August 28, 1769
Much wheat abroad in this parish. Plums and pears crack with the rain.
Much wheat abroad in this parish. Plums and pears crack with the rain.
Great showers about. Male & female ants migrate at a great rate filling the ground & air.
Vast showers about. People here housed all day. Vine-leaves begin to turn purple.
Bulls begin to make their shrill autumnal note.
Martins congregate on the roofs of houses.
Mr Sheffield of Worcester Coll. went in to Wolmer-forest & procured me a green sand-piper, Tringa Aldrov; Tringa ochropus Lin. They were in pairs & had been seen about by many people on the streams, & banks of the ponds.
Wheat begins to be cut at Selborne. Swifts appear to be gone. Swallows congregate in trees with their young & whistle much. Young martins begin to congregate on ye wallnut trees. Nuthatch chirps much. One swift appears. Caprimulgus chatters.
Showers to the S. Wheat, rye, oats, barley cutting round the forest.