June 20, 1772
Posted by sydney on Jun 20th, 1772
Ephemerae innumberable on the Alresford stream. When the swifts play very low over the water they are feeding on emphemerae and phryganeae.
Ephemerae innumberable on the Alresford stream. When the swifts play very low over the water they are feeding on emphemerae and phryganeae.
Vast fog, hot sun. Thermotmr abroad in the shade 78. John White arrived from Cadiz.
In Wilts.
Bror. John set-out on horse-back for Cadiz. Polygonum bistorta. Colchicum autumnale in seed. Ephemera and phrygeaneae abound on the stream.
Carduus nutans. Digitalis purpurea. Sheep shorn.
Apis longicornis. The long-horned bees bore their nests in the ground where it is trodden the hardest.