February 27, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 27th, 1773

Sun & clouds, showers & wind.

February 26, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 26th, 1773

Stormy night, with vast rains, fierce wind all day.  This storm did considerable damage in many places.

February 20, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 20th, 1773

Trufles continue to be found in my Bro Henry’s grove of beeches: tho’  the season is near at an end.  It is supposed that seven or eight pounds are taken annually at that little spot.  My Bro & the trufle-hunter divide them equally between them.

February 18, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 18th, 1773

Lambs fall strong, & thrive very fast.  Last year numbers perished.

February 15, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 15th, 1773

Helleborus viridis emerges & blows.

February 11, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 11th, 1773

Reduced my barometer to the true standard of 28 inches, lowering it about two degrees.

February 10, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 10th, 1773

Severe frost.  Bottles of water freeze in chambers.  Snow in the night. Cutting air.

February 9, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 9th, 1773

Made hot bed.

February 8, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 8th, 1773

Severe frost. Ground hard all day.

February 6, 1773

Posted by sydney on Feb 6th, 1773

Snow all melted in the morning.  Vast flocks of hen chaffinches.

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February 1773