Posted by sydney on Jun 7th, 1775
Watered the wall-trees well this evening with the engine: the leaves are not blotched & bloated this year, but many shoots are shrivelled, & covered with aphides. Plums & pears abound; moderate crop of apples with me. Vine-shoots very forward.
Posted by sydney on Jun 6th, 1775
Swifts abound: near 15 pairs: they seem to come from other villages. H: martins now abound, & build briskly.
Posted by sydney on Jun 4th, 1775
Roses begin to blow: pinks bud; fraxinella blows. Garden burnt to powder.
Posted by sydney on Jun 3rd, 1775
Hot sun, & brisk gale, sweet even. Dusty beyond comparison. Watered away five hogsheads of water. Stoparola has five eggs. Rooks live hard: there are no chafers. Barley & oats do not come up; the fields look naked. Some pairs of swifts always build in this village under the low thatched roofs of some of the meanest cottages: & as there fails to be nests in those particular houses, it looks as if some of the same family still returned to the same place.
Posted by sydney on Jun 1st, 1775
Martin begins to build at the end of the brewhouse.