February 27, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 27th, 1781

Vast storm.  Had the duration of this storm been equal to it’s strength, nothing could have withstood it’s fury.  As it was, it did prodigious damage.  The tiles were blown from the roof of Newton church with such violence, that shivers from the them broke the windows of the great farm-house at near 30 yards distance.  This storm blew the alcove back into the hedge, & threw down the stone dial-post.

February 18, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 18th, 1781

The storms in the beginning of the week did great damage by sea, & land.

February 16, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 16th, 1781

No hares frequent the garden.

February 15, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 15th, 1781

Strong N. aurora: very red in the N.E.

February 14, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 14th, 1781

A pair of ravens build in the hanger.

February 13, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 13th, 1781

Stormy all night.  Much thatch blown-off, & some trees thrown down.

February 12, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 12th, 1781

Sea-gulls appear: in stormy weather they leave the sea.

February 10, 1781

Posted by sydney on Feb 10th, 1781

The nuthatch brings his nuts almost every day to the alcove, & fixing them in one corner of the pediment drills holes in their sides, & after he has picked out the kernels, throws the shells to the ground.

February 1781