December 10, 1784

Posted by sydney on Dec 10th, 1784

Extreme frost!!!  yet still bright sun.  At 11 one degree below zero.  On the 9th and 10th of Decr when my Thermr was down at 0, or zero; & 1 degree below zero: Mr Yalden’s Thermr at Newton was at 12, & 22.  On Dec, 24, when my Thermr was at 10 1/2 that at Newton was at 22, & 19.  At Newton, when hung side by side, these two instruments accorded exactly.  Thomas Hoar shook the snow carefully off the evergreens.  The snow fell for 24 hours, without ceasing.  The ice in one night in Gracious street full four inches!  Bread, cheese, meat, potatoes, apples all frozen where not secured in cellars under ground.

December 9, 1784

Posted by sydney on Dec 9th, 1784

Much snow in the night.  Vast snow.  Snow 16 inches deep on my grass-plot about 12 inches at an average.  Farmer Hoar had 41 sheep buried in snow.  No such snow since Jan. 1776.  In some places much drifted.

December 6, 1784

Posted by sydney on Dec 6th, 1784

Dismally dark: no wind with this very sinking glass.

December 2, 1784

Posted by sydney on Dec 2nd, 1784

Timothy is buried we know not where in the the laurel hedge.

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December 1784