February 23, 1785
Snow-scenes very beautiful. Venus makes a most beautiful appearance.
Snow-scenes very beautiful. Venus makes a most beautiful appearance.
Thick ice. Ice in warm chambers. Boys slide. Ground as hard as iron. Snow on the ground.
Carried the apples, pears, & roots into the cellars.
Men sow peat-ashes on their Grasses. Winter-aconites make a gay show.
Young sheep suffer much by the weather, & look poorly.
Arbutus’s, Cypresses, Ilex’s seem to be dead: even Portugal-laurels are injured, & Cedars of Libanus, American, & Swedish Junipers, & firs, Scotch & Spruce untouched.
The scorched laurels cast their leaves, & are almost naked.
On this cold day about noon a bat was flying round Gracious street-pond, & dipping down & sipping the water, like swallows, as it flew: all the while the wind was very sharp, & the boys were standing on the ice.