November 8, 1785

Posted by sydney on Nov 8th, 1785

A Gent: writes word from St. Mary’s, Scilly, that in the night between the 10th & 11th of this month, the wind being W. there fell such a flight of Woodcocks within the walls of the Garrison, that he himself shot & carryed home 26 couple, besides 3 couple which he wounded, but did not give himself the trouble to retrieve.  On the following day, the 12th the wind continuing W. he found but few.  This person further observes, that easterly & Northerly winds only have usually been remarked propitious in bringing Woodcocks to those islands, viz. Scilly.  So that he is totally at a loss to account for this Western flight, unless they came from Ireland.  As they took their departure in the night between the 11th & 12th, the wind still continuing West, he supposes they were gone to make a visit to the Counties of Cornwall & Devonshire.  From circumstances in the letter, it appears that the ground within the lines of the Garrison abounds with furze.  Some Woodcocks settled in the street of St Mary’s, & ran into the houses & out-houses.

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November 1785