December 31, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 31st, 1785

Snow covers the ground.

December 27, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 27th, 1785

Tapped my new rick of hay this day, which, tho’ made without rain, is vapid, & without much scent ,& consists more of weeds than grass.  The summer was so dry, that little good grass grew, ’till after the first crop was cut.  The rick is also very small.

December 26, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 26th, 1785

Many wild-fowls, ducks & widgeons, at Wolmer-pond ’till the hard weather came: since which they have all disappeared.

December 23, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 23rd, 1785

Mr. Churton came from Oxford.

December 21, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 21st, 1785

Planted 20 Scotch-firs round Benham’s orchard.

December 20, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 20th, 1785

Dug up carrots, second crop.

December 19, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 19th, 1785

Cut down the artichokes, & covered them; first with earth, & then with long dung.  Covered the asparagus with long dung.

December 18, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 18th, 1785

Sweet weather.

December 17, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 17th, 1785

Antirrhinum cymbalaria thrives still, & is in full bloom, & will so continue ’till severe frosts take place.  Planted several firs from S. Lambeth & several seedlings for the Helleborus foetidus.

December 12, 1785

Posted by sydney on Dec 12th, 1785

Young crickets of all sizes in my kitchen-chimney.

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December 1785