February 28, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 28th, 1786

The snow is at an average about seven inches deep.  As it fell without any wind, it is lodged much on the trees, so that the prospects are very grotesque, & picturesque.

February 27, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 27th, 1786

Snow shoe-deep.  Wrote to Dr Chandler at Nismes.

February 22, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 22nd, 1786

Sowed a crop of radishes, under the  melon-screen & a crop of onions.

February 20, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 20th, 1786

Bror Henry & his son Gil. came.

February 18, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 18th, 1786

Pleasant season: paths dry.  Men plough & sow.  Large titmouse sings his three notes.

February 14, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 14th, 1786

Bullfinches eat the buds of honey-suckles.

February 7, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 7th, 1786

Driving rain.  Strong flaws, & gusts with rain, hail, & thunder.

February 4, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 4th, 1786

Sowed a good coat of ash on Baker’s hill, & also on the great meadow.  Bought 40 bushels of ashes of Mrs Etty, & 36 bushels of sundry others.  Sowed my own also.

February 3, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 3rd, 1786

The marsh-timouse begins his two harsh, sharp notes.

February 1, 1786

Posted by sydney on Feb 1st, 1786

The hazels are finely illuminated with male bloom.  Female bloom of hazels appears, & the male-bloom sheds it’s farina.

February 1786