August 6, 1786
Posted by sydney on Aug 6th, 1786
Mrs Ben White, by being delivered of a boy this morning, has encreased my nephews, & nieces to the number of 46.
Mrs Ben White, by being delivered of a boy this morning, has encreased my nephews, & nieces to the number of 46.
The fallows of good husbandmen are in a fine crumbling state, & very clean. Sowed a crop of prickly-seeded spinage to stand the winter: the ground was very hard & cloddy, & would not rake; so we levelled it down as well as we could with a garden-roller, & sprinkled it over with fine, dustly mould to cover the seeds.
The poor begin to glean wheat. The country looks very rich, being finely diversifyed with crops of corn of various sorts, & colours.