January 9, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 9th, 1789

The farmers are in pain about their turnips, both those on the ground, & those that are stacked under hedges.  The people at Forestside drive all their cattle to be watered at a spring issuing out at Temple grounds at the foot of Temple hanger.  Oakhanger ponds, & Cranmer ponds are dry.  The frost has lasted now just seven weeks: it began Novr 23.  T. Turner has sunk his well 9 feet without coming to water.  He now desists on account of the expence.  My well, I now find, has more than three feet of water; but the rope is too short to reach it.

January 8, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 8th, 1789

A severe frost prevails all over the continent.

January 7, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 7th, 1789

Salted-up a small hog in the pickling tub– weight 8 scores, & eight pounds: the meat was young, & delicate.  The people at Froxfield fetch their water from Petersfield up Stoner hill.

January 6, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 6th, 1789

Thermr 25:18.  Fierce frost, sun, cutting wind.  Severe day.

January 5, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 5th, 1789

Turner’s well-diggers advance slowly through the blue rag. Mr Churton left us, & went to Waverly.

January 4, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 4th, 1789

Began the new hay-rick. Snow on the ground; but the quantity little in comparison with what has fallen in most parts. As one of my neighbours was traversing Wolmer-forest from Bramshot across the moors, he found a large uncommon bird fluttering in the heath, but not wounded, which he brought home alive. On examination it proved to be Colymbus glacialis, Linn. the great speckled diver, or Loon, which is most excellently described in Willughby’s Ornithology. Every part & proportion of this bird is so incomparably adapted to it’s mode of life, that in no instance do we see the wisdom of God in the Creation to more advantage. The head is sharp, & smaller than the part of the neck adjoining, in order that it may pierce the water; the wings are placed forward & out of the center of gravity, for a purpose which shall be noticed hereafter; the thighs quite at the podex, in order to facilitate diving; & the legs are flat, & as sharp backwards almost as the edge of a knife, that in striking they may easily cut the water; while the feet are palmated, & broad for swimming, yet so folded up when advanced forward to take a fresh stroke, as to be full as narrow as the shank. The two exterior toes of the feet are longest; the nails flat & broad, resembling the human, which give strength & increase the power of swimming. The foot, when expanded is not at right angles to the leg or body of the bird; but the exterior part, inclining towards the head, forms an acute angle with the body. Most people know, that have observed at all, that the swimming of birds is nothing is nothing more than a walking in the water, where one foot succeeds the other as on the land; yet no one, as far as I am aware, has remarked that diving fowls, while under water, impell & row themselves forward by a motion of their wings, as well as by the impulse of their feet: but such is really the case, as any person may easily be convinced who will observe ducks when hunted by dogs in a clear pond. Nor do I know that any one has given a reason why the wings of diving fowls are placed so far forward. Doubtless not for the purpose of promoting their speed in flying, since that position certainly impedes it but probably for the encrease of their motion under water by the use of four oars instead of two; yet were the wings & feet nearer together, as in land birds, they would, when in action, rather hinder than assist one another. The Colymbus was of considerable bulk, weighting only three drachms short of three pounds averdupoise. It measured in length from the bill to the tail (which was very short) two feet; & to the extremities of the toes, four inches more; & the breadth of the wings expanded was 42 inches. A person attempted to eat the body, but found it very strong & rancid, as is the flesh of all birds living on fish. Divers or loons, though bred in the most northerly parts of Europe, yet are seen with us in very severe winters; & on the Thames are called Sprat loons, because they prey much on that sort of fish. The legs of the Colymbi & mergi are placed so very backward, & so out of all center of gravity, that these birds cannot walk at all. They are called by Linnaeus Compedes, because they move on the ground as if shackled or fettered.

January 3, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 3rd, 1789

Rime hangs on the trees all day.  Turner’s well-diggers have sunk his well about six feet.  It is now about on a level with mine, viz. about 63 feet deep.  They came to-day to a hard blue rag, & a little water.

January 1, 1789

Posted by sydney on Jan 1st, 1789

Snow thick on the ground.  Timothy begins to sink his well at the malt-house.

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January 1789