June 13, 1789
Posted by sydney on Jun 13th, 1789
My brother’s barley begins to come into ear. The squirrel is very fond of the cones of various trees. My niece Hannah’s squirrel is much delighted with the fruit of the coniferous trees, such as the pine, the fir, the larch, & the birch; & had it an opportunity would probably be pleased with the cones of alders. As to Scotch firs, Squirrels not only devour the cones, but they also bark large boughs, & gnaw off the tops of the leading shoots; so that the pine-groves belonging to Mr Beckford at Basing-park are much injured & defaced by those little mischievous quadroupeds, which are too subtile, & too nimble to be easily taken, or destroyed. The Cypress-trees, & passion-flowers mostly killed by the late hard winter.