April 29, 1793
I have seen no hirundo yet myself. Sowed Columbines, two sorts; Scabius; Scarlet lychnis; Nigella; 10 weeks stocks; Mountain Lychnis.
April 28, 1793
Wall-flowers full of bloom, & very fine. Nightingales in my fields.
April 27, 1793
Men begin to pole their hops. Mountain snow-drop blows.
April 24, 1793
When Thomas got up to brew at four o’ the clock, he heard some stone-curlews pass by over the house in their way to the uplands. In the evening they flie over the village downwards, towards the brook, & meadows, where they seem to spend the night.
April 23, 1793
Mowed the terrace. Cut the first cucumber. Pulled the first radishes. A swallow over my meadow.
April 20, 1793
The Cuckoo is heard on Greatham common.
April 19, 1793
Showers of hail, sleet. Gleams. Timothy, who has withdrawn himself for several days, appears.
April 16, 1793
Made a hot bed for the two light-frame with lapped glass.
April 15, 1793
Sowed fringed bore-cole, & Savoys, & leeks.