August 10

Posted by sydney on Aug 10th, 2008
  • 1790: August 10, 1790 – A labourer has mown out in the precincts of Hartley-wood, during the course of this summer, as many pheasant’s nests as contained 60 eggs!  Bro. Thomas White came.
  • 1789: August 10, 1789 – Monotropa Hypopithys abounds in the hanger beyond Maiden dance, opposite to coney-croft hanger.
  • 1787: August 10, 1787 – When the redbreasts have finished the currans, they begin with the berries of the honey-suckles, of which they are very fond.
  • 1785: August 10, 1785 – Men bind their wheat as fast as they reap it.  Hops look black.
  • 1784: August 10, 1784 – Mr & Mrs Mulso, &c., left us.
  • 1780: August 10, 1780 – Sowed a crop of spinage for the winter, and spring, & trod the seed well in.
  • 1779: August 10, 1779 – Wheat lies in a bad way.  Peaches, & plums rot.  Wheat grows.  Flying ants swarm in millions.  Inches of rain 3.
  • 1776: August 10, 1776 – Hay not housed at Meonstoke & Warnford.
  • 1774: August 10, 1774 – No swifts: are seen no more with us.
  • 1773: August 10, 1773 – Most sultry night.
  • 1772: August 10, 1772 – An autumnal coolness begins to take place, morning and evening.
  • 1771: August 10, 1771 – Flying ants, male & female.
  • 1769: August 10, 1769 – Mr Sheffield of Worcester Coll. went in to Wolmer-forest & procured me a green sand-piper, Tringa Aldrov; Tringa ochropus Lin.  They were in pairs & had been seen about by many people on the streams, & banks of the ponds.
  • 1768: August 10, 1768 – Young pheasants are flyers.  White butter-flies gather in flocks on the mud of puddles.