August 11

Posted by sydney on Aug 11th, 2008
  • 1791: August 11, 1791 – Half hogshead of portwine from Southhamton.  Gleaners come home with corn.
  • 1789: August 11, 1789 – Got-in forest-fuel in nice order.  Farmer Knight begins wheat harvest.  Lovely weather.
  • 1787: August 11, 1787 – The children in strawberry time found & destroyed several pheasant’s nests in Goleigh wood.  Nep. and Niece Ben White came from London.
  • 1782: August 11, 1782 – Five swifts at E. Tisted.
  • 1781: August 11, 1781 – Ponds & streams fail.  People in many parts in great want of water.  The reapers were never interrupted by rain one hour the harvest thro’.
  • 1780: August 11, 1780 – The Papilio Machaon never appeared but once in my garden.
  • 1774: August 11, 1774 – One of my vines looks pale & sickly.  Ivy budds for bloom: it blows in Octr & Novr. and the fruit ripens in April.
  • 1772: August 11, 1772 – Wheat-harvest becomes pretty general.  Barom. sinks & rises to it’s former pitch.
  • 1771: August 11, 1771 – Heavy clouds round the horizon.  Lambs play, & frolick.
  • 1768: August 11, 1768 – Wheat harvest is pretty general.  The male and female flying ants, leaving their nests, fill the air.  See Gould on ants.