August 16

Posted by sydney on Aug 16th, 2008
  • 1791: August 16, 1791 – Colchicums, or naked boys appear.
  • 1790: August 16, 1790 – Cut 43 cucumbers.  Wheat is binding.  Blackstonia perfoliata, yellow centory, blossoms, on the right hand bank up the North field hill.  The Gentiana perfoliata Lannaei.  It is to be found in the marl-dell half way along the N. field lane on the left; on the dry bank of a narrow field between the N. field hill, & the Fore down; & on the banks of the Fore down.
  • 1787: August 16, 1787 – Mr & Mrs R left us.  Farmer Parsons harvests wheat.  Gleaners carry home large loads.
  • 1786: August 16, 1786 – Colchicum blows.
    Say what retards, amidst the summer’s blaze/ Th’autumnal bulb, ’till pale, declining days?
  • 1785: August 16, 1785 – My goose-berries are still very fine, but are much eaten by the dogs.
  • 1783: August 16, 1783 – Farmer Knight of Norton finishes wheat-harvest.  Farmer Lassam of Priory Do. Farmer Hewet of Temple finishes Do.
  • 1781: August 16, 1781 – Sowed a crop of winter-spinage, & pressed the ground close with the garden-roller.  The ground turned-up very dry, & harsh.
  • 1780: August 16, 1780 – Lord Cornwallis gained a signal victory over General Gates in South Carolina, near Camden.
  • 1775: August 16, 1775 – Generation seems to be pretty well over among cimices lineares.  Minute young abroad.
  • 1773: August 16, 1773 – Wind covers the walks with leaves, & blows down the annuals.
  • 1772: August 16, 1772 – Several birds begin to resume their spring notes, such as the wren, redbreast
  • 1771: August 16, 1771 – Rain, driving rain, dry.  Four swifts still.
  • 1770: August 16, 1770 – Nuthatch chirps much.