August 26

Posted by sydney on Aug 26th, 2008
  • 1792: August 26, 1792 – A fly-catcher brings out a brood of young: & yet they will all withdraw & leave us by the 10th of next month.
  • 1791: August 26, 1791 – My potatoes come in, & are good.
  • 1790: August 26, 1790 – Planted out a bed of borecole, & three long rows of curled endive.  Bat comes out before the swallows are gone to roost.
  • 1788: August 26, 1788 – Mr Hale & Tim Turner begin to pick hops in the Foredown.  Hale picked 350 bushels: his hops are large & fine.
  • 1787: August 26, 1787 – Timothy the Tortoise, who has spent the two last months amidst the umbrageous forests of the asparagus-beds, begins now to be sensible of the chilly autumnal mornings; & therefore suns himself under the laruel-hedge, into which he retires at night.  He is become sluggish, & does not seem to take any food.
  • 1786: August 26, 1786 – Earwigs damage the wall-fruit before it gets ripe, warm & moist. Young fowls die at Newton. Mushrooms are brought in the great plenty.
  • 1783: August 26, 1783 – Some fly-catchers, that haunt about the church, take the flies off the sides of the towers much adroitness.  Swallows do the same in the decline of summer.
  • 1778: August 26, 1778 – The failure of turnips this year is very great.
  • 1777: August 26, 1777 – A spotted water-hen shot in the forest.
  • 1776: August 26, 1776 – While the cows are feeding in moist low pastures, broods of wagtails, white & grey, run round them close up to their noses, & under their very bellies, availing themselves of the flies, & insects that settle on their legs, & probably finding worms & larvae that are roused by the trampling of their feet. Nature is such an oeconomist, that the most incongrous animals can avail themselves of each other! Interest makes strange friendships.
  • 1772: August 26, 1772 – Wheat begins to grow under hedges.
  • 1771: August 26, 1771 – Nuthatch chirps much. No swifts since 22nd.
  • 1770: August 26, 1770 – Young swallows & martins congregate in prodigious swarms.
  • 1768: August 26, 1768 – White dew.  Peaches ripen.  Barley begins to be cut.  Much wheat housed.