
Posted by sydney on Sep 13th, 2008
  • 1792: September 13, 1792 – The stream at Gracious Street, which fails every dry summer, has run briskly all this year; & now seems to be equal to the current from Well-head.  The rocky channel up the hollow-lane towards Rood has also run with water for months: nor has my great water-tub been dry the summer through.
  • 1791: September 13, 1791 – My well is very low, & the water foul!  Timothy eats voraciously.  Winged female ants migrate from their nests, & fill the air.  These afford a dainty feast for the hirundines, all save the swifts; they being gone before these emigrations, which never take place till sultry weather in August, & September.
  • 1790: September 13, 1790 – Cut 158 cucumbers.  Nep. Ben White, & wife, & little Ben & Glyd came from Fyfield.
  • 1789: September 13, 1789 – After a bright night, & vast dew, the sky usually becomes clouded by eleven or twelve o’clock in the forenoon;  & clear again towards the decline of the day.  The reason seems to be, that the dew, drawn-up by evaporation, occasions the clouds, which towards evening, being no longer rendered buoyant by the warmth of the sun, melt away, & fall down again in dews.  If clouds are watched of a still, warm evening, they will be seen to melt away, & disappear.  Several nests of gold-finches, with fledged young, were found among the vines of the hops: these nestlings must be second broods.
  • 1788: September 13, 1788 – Gathered-in my golden pippins, a small quantity.  Mr Churton came from Cheshire.
  • 1787: September 13, 1787 – Gathered-in my early white pippins.
  • 1783: September 13, 1783 – Began to mend the dirty parts of the bostal with chalk.
  • 1782: September 13, 1782 – Some few orleans-plums.  Ravens about the hill.  All the Selborne wheat in, except fome turnip-wheat at the priory.
  • 1781: September 13, 1781 – Beans heavy.
  • 1779: September 13, 1779 – Gathered-in the filberts, a large crop.
  • 1776: September 13, 1776 – My muscle-plums are in much more perfection this year than any other fruit.
  • 1775: September 13, 1775 – Good grapes every day, but not delicate.  Bag-ed more grapes.
  • 1773: September 13, 1773 – Young swallows in nest.  Hops very ordinary: very small.
  • 1771: September 13, 1771 – Grapes begin to turn colour.  Mild.
  • 1770: September 13, 1770 – Fly-catcher & white-throat appear.
  • 1768: September 13, 1768 – Nectarines rot on ye trees.  Ravens are continually playing by pairs in the air.

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September 2008