September 16

Posted by sydney on Sep 16th, 2008
  • 1792: September 16, 1792 – Dr Chandler’s Bantam sow brought him this last summer a large litter of pigs, several of which were not cloven-footed, but had their toes joined together.  For tho’ on the upper part of the foot there was somewhat of a suture, or division; yet below in the soles the toes were perfectly united; and on some of the hind legs there was a solid hoof like that of a colt.  The feet of the sow are completely cloven.  Mr Ray in his Synopsis animalium quadrupedum, takes on notice of this singular variety; but Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae says, “Varietas frequens Upsaliae Suis domestici semper monunguli: in ceteris eadem species.”
  • 1790: September 16, 1790 – Cut 100 cucumbers. Sweet autumnal weather.
  • 1789: September 16, 1789 – Timothy the tortoise is very dull, & inactive, & spends his time on the border under the fruit-wall.
  • 1784: September 16, 1784 – Martins cling, & cluster in a very particular manner against the wall of my stable and brew-house; also on the top of the may-pole.  This clinging, at this time of year only, seems to carry somewhat significant with it.
  • 1782: September 16, 1782 – The hops are very small; but the halum is clean & free from insects.
  • 1781: September 16, 1781 – The boys destroyed a hornets nest: it was but small.  Ophrys spiralis, ladies traces, seed.
  • 1780: September 16, 1780 – The Antirrhinum cymbalaria is grown to an enermous size, extending itself side-ways 15 or 16 feet, & 7 or 8 in height!!  It grows on the water-table of a N.W. wall of my house, & runs up among the shoots of a Jasmine.
  • 1778: September 16, 1778 – Many ponds are dry a second time.
  • 1775: September 16, 1775 – Wasps begin to abate.  *On friday, Sepr. 8th, at 10 at night a considerable earthquake was felt at Oxford, Bath, & several other towns.
  • 1774: September 16, 1774 – Much barley & oats is housed, but in poor condition.  Peaches & nect: good, but much eaten by wasps, & honey-bees.  Bees are hungry some autumns, & devour the wall-fruit.
  • 1773: September 16, 1773 – Gathered first grapes: small but good.  Last wheat housed.
  • 1772: September 16, 1772 – Vast dews.  Chrysomeleae oleraceae still abound on the cabbages.  Some corn housed.

September 2008