September 21

Posted by sydney on Sep 21st, 2008

10 August 1792 Paris Commune – The Storming of the Tuileries Palace.

  • 1792: September 21, 1792 – On this day Monarchy was abolished at Paris by the National Convention; and France became a republic!
  • 1790: September 21, 1790 – Mrs Clement, & six of her children, four of which are to inoculated, & Mrs Chandler, & her two children the youngest of which is also to undergo the same operation, are rettired to Harteley great house.  Servants & all, some of which are to be inoculated also, they make 14 in a family.
  • 1789: September 21, 1789 – Myriads of Insects sporting in the sunbeams.
  • 1787: September 21, 1787 – Vast halo round the moon.  Began fires.
  • 1785: September 21, 1785 – Bror. Henry came.
  • 1784: September 21, 1784 – Gathered-in the early pippins, called white apples: a great crop.
  • 1783: September 21, 1783 – Green wheat in the N. field.  Stormy wind all night, which has blown down most of my apples & pears.
  • 1781: September 21, 1781 – Hooker’s-hill mended by Tom Prior: the ditch below which was made about fifty years ago, is now open’d and cleaned.
  • 1778: September 21, 1778 – Gathered-in the large white pippins.  There are now some wasps.
  • 1775: September 21, 1775 – Showers, rainbow, bright.  Barley in a sad condtion about Basingstoke.  Rams begin to pay court to the ewes.
  • 1774: September 21, 1774 – Swallows hawking about very briskly in all the moderate rain. Martins about.
  • 1772: September 21, 1772 – Few swallows about.
  • 1768: September 21, 1768 – Nectarines all water.  Great rain in the night.

Notes: Smallpox innoculation was brought to England from Turkey by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in the early part of the century, and trickled slowly down from the upper to the lower classes throughout the country.

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September 2008