October 25

Posted by sydney on Oct 25th, 2008
  • 1791: October 25, 1791 – There are two young martins in the nest.
  • 1790: October 25, 1790 – A flock of 46 ravens over the hanger.  Slipped-out pinks, & fraxinals; planted out dames violets from cuttings.
  • 1783: October 25, 1783 – The firing of the great guns at Portsmouth on this day, the King’s accession, shook the walls & windows of my house.
  • 1782: October 25, 1782 – The gold & silver-fish lie sleeping all day in their silver-bowl towards the surface of the water: people that have attended to them suppose this circumstance prognostic of rain.  Jupiter & Saturn approach to each other very fast.
  • 1781:  – Acorns abound, & help poor men’s hogs.  “There has lately been felt in diverse parts of Hungary so extraordinary a heat, that the husband-men could only work in the night.  All the snow that has covered the Carpathian mountains for more than a century is entirely melted.”  St. James Chronicle
  • 1780:  – No beech-mast; many acorns.  Many wall-nuts.  My great tree produced, when measured in their husks, eight bushels
  • 1778: October 25, 1778 – Truly winter-weather.  Red-wings abound.
  • 1777: October 25, 1777 – Hogs are put-up in their fatting pens.  The hanging woods are beautifully tinged.
  • 1776: October 25, 1776 – One bunting in the northfield: a rare bird at Selborne.  * There is this year a remarkable failure of mushrooms: & the more to be wondered at, since the autumn has been both moist & warm.  There is a great failure also of trufles in my Brother’s outlet at Fyfield, notwithstanding in simular weather they abounded last year.  So that some secret cause influences alike these analogous productions of nature.
  • 1775: October 25, 1775 – The arbutus casts it’s blossoms & discloses the rudiments of its fruit.  In thses two instances fructifcation goes on the winter through.  Three martins in the street.  Gossamer on every bent.  *Bynstede, the name of a parish near us, signifies locus cultus, vel habitatus.  This barish abuts on a wild woodland district, which is a royal forest, & is called the Holt.  This parish was probably cultivated when all around were nothing but woodlands, & forests.
  • 1774: October 25, 1774 – Beautiful season for sowing of wheat.  Much wet ground sown.
  • 1773:  – Began levelling my grass-plot & walks at the garden-door, & bringing them down to the level of the floor of my house.
  • 1771: October 25, 1771 – White frost, sun, tempest.  Vast rain & wind.
  • 1770: October 25, 1770 – A young swallow appears.
  • 1769: October 25, 1769 – A vivid aurora borealis, which like a broad belt stretched across the welkin from East to West.  This extraordinary phenomenon.   This extraordinary was seen the same evening in Gibraltar.

October 2008