October 28

Posted by sydney on Oct 28th, 2008
  • 1792: October 28, 1792 – Thomas saw a polecat run across the garden.
  • 1791: October 28, 1791 – There are now apparently three young martins in the nest nearly fledged.
  • 1790: October 28, 1790 – Wet & uncomfortable.
  • 1789: October 28, 1789 – The young men of this place found a stray fallow deer at the back of the village, which they roused, & hunted with grey hounds, & other dogs.  When taken it proved to be a buck of three years old.
  • 1787: October 28, 1787 – Sam White saw three swallows at Oxford near Folly bridge.
  • 1785: October 28, 1785 – Saw seven ring-ouzels on the old hawthorns at Clay’s barn.  Part of the hay in Baker’s-hill was cocked & housed: it smells well, & is not so much damaged as might have been expected.
  • 1784: October 28, 1784 – Mr John Mulso came.
  • 1783: October 28, 1783 – Planted many slips of pinks.
  • 1781: October 28, 1781 – The planet Venus, which became an evening star in June, but was not visible ’til lately, now makes a resplendent appearance.  On Selborne down are many oblong tumuli, some what resembling graves but larger, supposed by the country people to be the earth of saw-pits.  But as they mostly lie one way from S.E. to N.W. & are many of them very near to each other, it is most probably that they were occasioned by some purpose of a different kind.  My bro. Tho. ordered two to be dug across; one of which produced nothing extra-ordinary; while in the other was found a blackish substance: but how, & in what quantity it lay, & whether it consisted of ashes & cinders, or of humus animalis, we had no opportunity to examine from the precipitancy of the labourer, who filled up the trench he had opened without giving proper notice of the occurence.
  • 1780: October 28, 1780 – Bees begin gathering honey on the bloom of the crocus’s, & finish with the blooms of the ivy.
  • 1779: October 28, 1779 – Sheep-ponds on the downs are all filled by rains.  A great beast-market this day at Arundel.
  • 1776: October 28, 1776 – The month of Oct. has been very dry: mill-ponds begin to want water.  Sheep frolick.
  • 1769: October 28, 1769 – Mrs J. W. sailed.
  • 1768: October 28, 1768 – Some wheat is now sowing.

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October 2008