November 2

Posted by sydney on Nov 2nd, 2008
  • 1791: November 2, 1781 – The late rains have not had any influence yet on my well-water, which is very low, & foul.  Snow on the Sussex downs.
  • 1787: November 2, 1787 – Farmer Hoar saw one cock ring-ouzel at Nore hill.
  • 1780: November 2, 1780 – Leaves fall very fast.  My hedges shew beautiful lights, & shades: the yellow of the tall maples makes a fine contrast against the green hazels.
  • 1779: November 2, 1779 – My well is risen very fast.
  • 1777: November 2, 1777 – Ring-ouzels still on the downs near Alresford.  they have left these parts some time.
  • 1774: November 2, 1774 – Rooks gather acorns from the oaks.
  • 1772: November 2, 1772 – Fieldfare is seen.
  • 1772: November 2, 1771 – Mrs Snooke’s tortoise begins to dig in order to hide himself for the winter.  The vale of Bramber, & the river enveloped in a vast fog: the downs were clear.
  • 1770: November 2, 1770 – Wallnut, & ash leaves fall at a vast rate.
  • 1769: November 2, 1769 – Golden-crowned wren on the tops of trees.


John Mulso was one of Gilbert’s oldest friends; they met in college and corresponded for the rest of their lives. I guess this was a hunting accident; I can’t find any other reference to this event so we can assume he was all right.

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