November 6

Posted by sydney on Nov 6th, 2008
  • 1790: November 6, 1790 – Very rough weather at Portsmouth: boats over-set, & people drowned in coming from Spit-head.
  • 1789: November 6, 1789 – The hermitage capped with snow.
  • 1788: November 6, 1788 – Bro. Tho. & T.H.W. left us, & went to London.
  • 1787: November 6, 1787 – Several wood-cocks in Harteley wood: they are in poor condition.
  • 1781: November 6, 1781 – The walls of the hall & entry are all afloat with condensation.
  • 1780: November 6, 1780 – The tortoise begins to dig mould for his winter-retreat: he has much moss in his coop, under which he conceals himself.
  • 1778: November 6, 1778 – Planted six proliferous fiery lily-bulbs from Hambledon in the flower-borders.
  • 1776: November 6, 1776 – Flies abound.  They stay long after the hirundines are withdrawn.  Tipulae sport in the air.
  • 1771: November 6, 1771 – Whitings in high season: herrings going out.