November 7

Posted by sydney on Nov 7th, 2008
  • 1787: November 7, 1787 – Saw several grey crows on the downs between Winchester, & Andover; & four pheasants feeding at the corner of Whorwel-wood.  Green wheat beautiful on the downs, but not forward sown.  The Fyfield Comedians performed Much Ado About Nothing, with the Romp.
  • 1783: November 7, 1783 – A chaced hind ran thro’ the parish, & was taken at Penton.  She ran but two hours the ground being too hard for her feet.  She was carryed home in a cart to Grateley.
  • 1781: November 7, 1781 – John Hale has cleansed the pond on the down, & carried out a large quantity of mud.  Husbandry seems to be much improved at Selborne within these 20 years, & their crops of wheat are generally better: not that they plough oftener, or perhaps manure more than they did formerly; but from the more frequent harrowings & draggings now in use, which pulverize our strong soil, & render it more fertile than any other expedient yet in practice.
  • 1780: November 7, 1780 – Some snow on the ground.  Many trees were stripped last night: vine-leaves begin to fall.  Winter-weather.  Gathered the barberries, a vast crop.
  • 1778: November 7, 1778 – My Chaumontelle pears now come into eating, & are very delicate.
  • 1777: November 7, 1777 – Put the sashes into my new room.
  • 1776: November 7, 1776 – The great fieldfare returns.  Beetles abound every evening.  Farmer Canning’s new barley-ricks smoke & ferment like hot-beds already.
  • 1772: November 7, 1772 – Warm air.  Flesh-flies blow the meat in the larder still.

Admin note: I apologize for the sporadic posting over the past week, indeed the past few months. I’ve had some personal disruptions lately but hope to be more settled now and give Gilbert better attention.

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