November 9

Posted by sydney on Nov 9th, 2008
  • 1791: November 9, 1791 – Planted a row of Hyacinths on the verge of the fruit-border; & tulips along the broad walk.  Planted winter-cabbages.  Potatoes dug up.
  • 1788: November 9, 1788 – Many people are sick.
  • 1786: November 9, 1786 – This day compleats the 28th of this dry fit, which has done infinite service to the low districts, that were floated with water by the heavy rains in the beginning of last month.
  • 1785: November 9, 1785 – The great holly at Burhant-house is now beginning to blow. Farmer Lasham finishes hay-making!!
  • 1780: November 9, 1780 – Timothy does not stir.
  • 1776: November 9, 1776 – Grey, clouds & sun, sweet day.
  • 1773: November 9, 1773 – Ground to be levelled is under water.  Wood-cocks pretty common.  The country all in a flood.
  • 1770: November 9, 1770 – Lime-tree leaves fall all at once.  Floods: torrents & cataracts in the lanes.
  • 1768: November 9, 1768 – Fallows begin to work well.  Woodcocks in the high wood.

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