November 10

Posted by sydney on Nov 10th, 2008
  • 1792: November 10, 1792 – On this day Brother Benjamin quitted South Lambeth, & came to reside at His House at Mareland.
  • 1788: November 10, 1788 – Planted 10 roses, 2 cypresses, 6 violae tricolores, 3 sent from S. Lambeth by Bro. Ben.
  • 1781: November 10, 1781 – Hares eat down the pinks, & cloves in the the garden: & yet sportsmen complain that the breed this year is very small; alleging that dry summers, tho’ kindly for partridges, are detrimental to hares.
  • 1776: November 10, 1776 – Redwings.  These birds begin to appear at last.
  • 1773: November 10, 1773 – Rains have lasted ten weeks.  Saw a flock of seven or 8 stone-curlews.  These birds generally retire before this time.
  • 1772: November 10, 1772 – Vast quantities of rain.
  • 1771: Novmeber 10, 1771 – Tortoise comes out in the sun about noon, but soon returns to his work of digging a hole to retire into.
  • 1769: November 10, 1769 – A few stock-doves, Oenas, sive vinago, or wood-pigeons appear.

Notes: The redwing is a small thrush with breeding-grounds mainly in Scandanavia. Their short migration carries them sometimes to southern England for the winter.