November 15

Posted by sydney on Nov 15th, 2008
  • 1792: November 15, 1792 – Timothy comes out.
  • 1790: November 15, 1790 – Timothy the tortoise gone under ground in the laurel-hedge.  Paths very dry: boys play at taw on the plestor.
  • 1789: November 15, 1789 – A flock of red-wings.  Men have not finished their wheat season: some low grounds too wet to be sown.
  • 1786: November 15, 1786 – Covered the rows of the celeri with straw.  This day compleats the 34 of the dry weather.  Horses begin to lie within.
  • 1785: November 15, 1785 – We find several pheasants in our walks.  the hills thro’ the fog appeared like vast mountains.
  • 1783: November 15, 1783 – Wind all night.  At Selborne, a storm at 11 A:M:  Sea-gulls abound on the Alresford-stream: they frequent those waters for many months in the year.
  • 1782: November 15, 1782 – The torrent down the stoney-lane as you go towards Rood has run all the spring, summer, & autumn, joining Well-head stream at the bridge.
  • 1781: November 15, 1781 – Vast rain in the night, with strong wind.  My well is risen near six feet.  Thomas begins to dress the vines.  The crop of grapes is just over, having lasted in perfection more than ten weeks.
  • 1773: November 15, 1773 – Helleborus foetidus buds for bloom.
  • 1772: November 15, 1772 – Harsh air.
  • 1771: November 15, 1771 – Tortoise at Ringmer had not finish’d his hybernaculum, being interrupted by the sunny weather, which tempted him out.
  • 1770: November 15, 1770 – Vast rain at night.  The ground so wet that no sowing goes forward.  Much ground unsown.

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