November 28

Posted by sydney on Nov 28th, 2008
  • 1791: November 28, 1791 – Mr & Mrs Edmd White came.
  • 1789: November 28, 1789 – Rime on the hanger.
  • 1788: November 28, 1788 – Mr White’s tank at Newton has been empty some days.
  • 1787: November 28, 1787 – Children slide on ponds.  Rake up, & burn the leaves of the hedges.
  • 1786: November 28, 1786 – Mr Talbot turned-out a stag, which after wounding some hounds, & an horse, was taken alive.
  • 1785: November 28, 1785 – We have had this week in Hartley-wood, & those parts a considerable flight of wood-cocks: while in the upland coverts few or none were found.
  • 1781: November 28, 1781 – This month proved a very wet one, more so than any month since Decemr 1779: in which fell 6 in. 28, in this 6. 18.
  • 1780: November 28, 1780 – Timothy lies very snug but does not get any deeper.
  • 1779: November 28, 1779 – The ground is glutted with water.
  • 1776: November 28, 1776 – The nuthatch hunts for nuts in the hedges, & brings them to the forked bough of a certain plum-tree, where it opens them by picking a ragged irregular hole in the small end of the shell.  It throws the empty shell on the walk.
  • 1772: November 28, 1772 – Vast rains in the night!  Some few grapes left on the vines.
  • 1771: November 28, 1771 – Spitting fog, dark & cold.  The reed-sparrow, passer troquatus, forsaking the reeds, & water side in the winter, roves about among the fields, & hedges.  This bird which I sometimes saw, but never could procure ’til now, I mistook for the aberdavine.
  • 1770: November 28, 1770 – The planet Mercury appears above the sun.