November 30

Posted by sydney on Nov 30th, 2008
  • 1789: November 30, 1789 – After the servants are gone to bed the kitchen-hearth swarms with minute crickets not so large as fleas, which must have been lately hatched.  So that these domestic insects, cherished by the influence of a constant large fire, regard not the season of the year; but produce their young at a time when their congeners are either dead, or laid up for the winter, to pass away the uncomfortable months in the profoundest slumbers, & a state of torpidity.
  • 1788: November 30, 1788 – Many wild fowls haunt Wolmer pond: in the evenings they come forth and feed in the barley-stubbles.
  • 1787: November 30, 1787 – Frost comes within door: ice in the pantry, & chambers.
  • 1785: November 30, 1785 – Grapes are at an end.
  • 1780: November 30, 1780 – Hares eat all the pinks.
  • 1773: November 30, 1773 – Bright, sunny, soft.
  • 1768: November 30, 1768 – Crysanthemums stilli in bloom.  Crocuss, Jonquils, winter aconite, snow-drops peep out of Ground.