December 15

Posted by sydney on Dec 15th, 2008
  • 1792: December 15, 1792 – Grey, sun, pleasant, yellow even.
  • 1788: December 15, 1788 – Thermr 20, 23, 17.  Many have been disordered with bad colds & fevers at Oxford.  The water in the apparatus for making mineral water froze in the red room.  The wind is so piercing that the labourers cannot stand to their work.  Ice in all the chambers.  The perforated stopple belonging to the apparatus broke in two by the frost.  Apples preserved with Potatoes & carrots in the cellar.  Shallow snow covers the ground, enough to shelter the wheat.
  • 1787: December 15, 1787 – Began to cut my new hay-rick.
  • 1786: December 15, 1786 – A cellar in the back-street Faringdon is full of water.
  • 1784: December 15, 1784 – Deep snow still. Snow drifts on the down, & fills up the path which we shoveled.
  • 1774: December 15, 1774 – The air abounds with insects dancing about over the evergreen trees.  They seem to be of the genus tipula, & empis.  Phalaenae come out in the evening they seem to be much hardier than the papiliones, appearing in mild weather all the winter through.  Full moon.
  • 1773: December 15, 1773 – Large gulls on the downs.  Some bustards are bred in the parish of Findon. Fieldfares.
  • 1771: December 15, 1771 – Song thrush sings.  Daisey, wallflower, hepatica, mesereon, pot-marigold, spring flower blow.  Thrush sings.
  • 1768: December 15, 1768 – Still, but very sharp air.  Immundi miminere sues jactare maniplos.  The thermometer which was at 27 in the dining room, rose to 44 1/2 in the wine vaults.

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December 2008