January 21

Posted by sydney on Jan 21st, 2009

Execution of Louis XVI
Execution of Louis XVI

  • 1793: January 21, 1793 – Thrush sings, the song-thrush: the missle-thrush has not been heard.  On this day Louis 16th late king of France, was beheaded at Paris, & his body flung into a deep grave without any coffin, or funeral service performed.
  • 1791: January 21, 1791 – Sam & Ned White left us.  Late in the evening the planet Jupiter shines in the E.
  • 1786: January 21, 1786 – Snow gone.
  • 1785: January 21, 1785 – Made a seedling-cucumber-bed.  The glazier mended the light of the seedling-frame broken by hail.
  • 1784: January 21, 1784 – Ice in chambers.  Hares frequent the garden & do much damage.
  • 1781: January 21, 1781 – At the corner of my great parlor there is such a current of air that it has half killed a box-tree is nearly killed by the current of air; while a laurel in the same circumstance seems not to be affected at all.  Note: This laurel continues to flourish; Octr 1782
  • 1776: January 21, 1776 – Flocks of wild-geese pass over.  Snow lies very deep.
  • 1775: January 21, 1775 – Received two bramblings from Mr Battin of Burkham.  They are seen but seldom in these parts: are fine shewey birds.
  • 1773: January 21, 1773 – Thrush sings.  Titmouse begins it’s first spring notes.
  • 1772: January 21, 1772 – Snow does not melt.  Snipes come up the stream.
  • 1770: January 21, 1770 – Peziza acetabulum.
  • 1768: January 21, 1768 – Ananas budding for bloom.  First crop of kidney-beans gather’d in the Hothouse at Hartley.

“Peziza acetabulum”– The amazingly useful (to historical nature bloggers) Index fungorum suggest this is now known as Helvella acetabulum, the Vinegar cup. “Ananas” refers to pineapples, I’m not sure if White was growing these himself; I don’t think he had the resources as they required a large hothouse.

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