April 1
Posted by sydney on Apr 1st, 2009
- 1793: April 1, 1793 – In the mid counties there was a prodigious snow; some people were lost in it, & perished.
- 1792: April 1, 1792 – Stormy, wet night. Mrs Clement, & daughters left us. Berriman’s field measured contains 1 acre 3 qur. 25 rods.
- 1791: April 1, 1791 – The bearing cucumber-bed becomes milder & more mellow; & the plants shoot & blow well. Daffodils make a show. Planted potatoes in the meadow-garden, ten rows.
- 1790: April 1, 1790 – Sharp, & biting wind. Some crude oranges were put in a hot cupboard in order that the heat might mellow them, & render them better flavoured: but the crickets got to them, & gnawing holes thro’ the rind, sucked out all the juice, & devoured all the pulp.
- 1789: April 1, 1789 – Rain in the night, spring-like. Crocus’s make a gaudy show. Some little snow under the hedges.
- 1788: April 1, 1788 – Daffodils in bloom. Mr Churton came.
- 1787: April 1, 1787 – Crown imperials, double hyacinths, cherries against walls, blow.
- 1785: April 1, 1785 – Snow hangs in the trees, & makes a perfect winter scene!
- 1783: April 1, 1783 – Field almost dry.
- 1782: April 1, 1782 – Vast rains! 91.
- 1781: April 1, 1781 – The tortoise came-out for two hours.
- 1776: April 1, 1776 – Gossamer floats. Wood-larks hang suspended in the air, & sing all night.
- 1775: April 1, 1775 – White frost, sun, dark clouds.
- 1774: April 1, 1774 – No rain since the 9th of March.
- 1771: April 1, 1771 – Mr Woods, of Chilgrove, had on this day 27 acres of spring-sown wheat not then sprouted out of the ground: & yet he had a good crop from those fields, no less than 4 quarters an acre!