April 7

Posted by sydney on Apr 7th, 2009
  • 1793: April 7, 1793 – The chaffinches destroy the blossoms of the polyanths in a sad manner.  Sowed a bed of carrots: the ground hard, & rough, & does not rake fine.
  • 1792: April 7, 1792 – The cucumber shoot out fibers down their hills; earthed them a little.  Thomas mowed the dark green grass growing on the Fairy circles, & segments of circles in my grass plot, which encrease in number every year.
  • 1790: April 7, 1790 – Thames very full & beautiful, after so much dry weather: wheat looks well; meadows dry, & scorched; roads very dusty.
  • 1788: April 7, 1788 – Cucumbers begin to set.  Put some honey in the frames to tempt the bees.
  • 1784: April 7, 1784 – Many lettuces, both Coss & Dutch, have stood out the winter under the fruit wall.  They were covered with straw in the hard weather, for many weeks.
  • 1782: April 7, 1782 – Peter Wells’s well runs over.  Strong lavant thro’ Cobb’s court-yard.
  • 1780: April 7, 1780 – Tortoise keeps still in it’s hole.
  • 1776: April 7, 1776 – Linnets, & chaffinches flock still: so are not paired.  Some few sky-larks survive.
  • 1773: April 7, 1773 – Prunus spinosa. The black-thorn begins to blow. This tree usually blossoms while cold N.E. winds blow: so that the harsh rugged weather obtaining at this season is called by the country people black-thorn winter.
  • 1772: April 7, 1772 – Termes pulsatorium raps. Death-watch vulg.
  • 1771: April 7, 1771 – Began to be confined.
  • 1770: April 7, 1770 – Cut the first cucumber:  full old.  Snow covers the ground.