April 10
Posted by sydney on Apr 10th, 2009
- 1793: April 10, 1793 – Dug the asparagus bed, & cleared away the straw laid on. Farmers wish for a gentle rain.
- 1792: April 10, 1792 – Hot sun. Goslins on commons. Black thorn blossoms.
- 1791: April 10, 1791 – The early beech in the long Lythe shows leaves fully expanded.
- 1788: April 10, 1788 – Crown Imperials blow, & stink. Much gossamer. Bat.
- 1787: April 10, 1787 – Cloudless. Goslings. No swallows.
- 1786: April 10, 1786 – Planted 12 goose-berry trees, & three monthly roses, & three Provence roses. Mr & Mrs Taylor left Selborne.
- 1783: April 10, 1783 – Therm. 72!!! Prodigious heat: clouds of dust. Thermr at Selborne only 62! Nightingale at Bradshot.
- 1780: April 10, 1780 – Planted two more beds of asparagus.
- 1779: April 10, 1779 – The beeches on the hanger begin to show leaves.
- 1778: April 10, 1778 – Three bernacle-geese on a pond at Bramshot: one was shot & sent to me.
- 1776: April 10, 1776 – One swallow at Wallingford.
- 1773: April 10, 1773 – It appears from good information that sometimes the osprey falco haliaetus, Linn: is known to hawk the great pond at Frinsham. It darts down with great violence on a fish, so as to plunge itself quite under water. The man at the ale-house adjoining shot one as it was devouring its prey on the handle of a plough. This man shot also a sea-pie, ostralegus on the banks of his pond.