April 25
Posted by sydney on Apr 25th, 2009
- 1791: April 25, 1791 – Mowed some coarse grass in the orchard for the horses.
- 1788: April 25, 1788 – Wall-cherries loaded with bloom. The wild meris, cherry, blossoms.
- 1787: April 25, 1787 – Set 9 Bantham’s eggs to be put under a sitting-hen at Newton.
- 1785: April 25, 1785 – Radishes dry, & hot.
- 1778: April 25, 1778 – The Lathraea squammaria, a rare plant, is just discovered in bloom in the Litton-coppice at Selborne, just below the church, near the foot-bridge.
- 1777: April 25, 1777 – The titlark rises, & sings sweetly in its descent. The Ring-dove hangs on its wings, & toys in the air.
- 1776: April 25, 1776 – The wolf-fly appears in windows, & pierces other flies with his rostrum: is of a yellow hue: an asilus of Linn.
- 1775: April 25, 1775 – Ivy-berries fall off dead-ripe.
- 1774: April 25, 1774 – Redstart returns. Wryneck returns, & pipes.
- 1772: April 25, 1772 – Conops calcitrans. Grass very forward in the fields. The ring dove cooes, & hangs about on the wing in a toying manner.