October 19

Posted by sydney on Oct 19th, 2008
  • 1792: October 19, 1792 – Made presents of berberries to several neighbours.  Ring-ouzel seen in the King’s field.
  • 1790: October 19, 1790 – My well is very low, & the water foul.
  • 1789: October 19, 1789 – Fierce, driving rain!
  • 1786: October 19, 1786 – Men pull up turnips, & stack them.  My balsoms in pots, that have been in bloom four months, now begin to fade.
  • 1782: October 19, 1782 – Lord Howe completed the relief of Gibraltar.
  • 1781: October 19, 1781 – On this ill-fated day Lord Cornwallis, & all his army surrendered themselves prisoners of war to the united forces of France & America at York-town in Virginia.
  • 1778: October 19, 1778 – The vines are naked, & the grapes exposed to the frost.  The crop is very large.  The farmers complain that the ground is too dry for sowing.
  • 1775: October 19, 1775 – Vast rain with stormy wind, this storm damaged my trees, & hedges.  This storm occasioned much damage at sea, & in the river thames.
  • 1774: October 19, 1774 – Dark, & cold, dark, bright.
  • 1773: October 19, 1773 – Venus has become an evening star. Vivid Aurora bor.
  • 1769: October 19, 1769 – Large flock of of goldfinches.  The sun is very hot.  The air is full of spider’s webs.
  • 1768: October 19, 1768 – Herrings.

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October 2008