May 16

Posted by sydney on May 16th, 2009
  • 1793: May 16, 1793 – Sowed-in the three-light annual frame African & French marigolds, China asters, pendulous Amaranths, Orange-gourds.  Took the blackbird’s nest the second time; it had squab young.
  • 1791: May 16, 1791 – Saw a flie-catcher in the vicarage, I think.
  • 1790: May 16, 1790 – One polyanth-stalk produced 47 pips or blossoms.  Mrs Edmund White brought to bed of a boy, who has encreased the number of my nephews & nieces to 56.  The bloom of apples is great: the white pippin, as usual, very full.  It is a most useful tree, & always bears fruit.  The dearling in the meadow is loaded with fruit :last year it produced only one peck of apples, the year before 14 bushels.  [*later note]  This year it bore 10 bush. of small fruit.  The white pippin produced a good crop again this year: the apples of this tree come in for scalding, & pies in August.
  • 1787: May 16, 1787 – Agues abound around S. Lambeth.  Cucumbers not plenty.
  • 1784: May 16, 1784 – Sultry.  Left off fires in the parlor.  So much sun hurries the flowers out of bloom.  Flesh-files begin to appear.
  • 1780: May 16, 1780 – Wheat looks somewhat yellow.  Men sow barley: but the ground is cold, & cloddy.
  • 1778: May 16, 1778 – Nightingales visit my fields & sing awhile: but withdraw, & travel on: some years they  breed with me.
  • 1774: May 16, 1774 – A pair of martins began building their nest against my brew-house.
  • 1772: May 16, 1772 – 20 horses with vast labour cannot on moderate ground sow more than three acres of barley in a day, instead of seven or eight.  The ground wants endless rolling & dragging.  the drought has lasted one month.
  • 1771: May 16, 1771 – Hanger in leaf this day yesterday but a few trees were green.  Trees & hedges in general begin to leaf.
  • 1770: May 16, 1770 – Mole-cricket churs.